You can read the Bible and check it off your list as another "to do". But when you begin to read it with a hungry heart and seek to know the God who authored it, you will be changed.
"The Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two edged sword." Hebrews 4:12
I am so thankful for my upbringing in the Church which diligently taught me Scriptures, for the seed was planted there. However, on my own, I wasted many years doing my own thing. When you hit the wall, or the end of yourself and life is not turning out the way you planned, you may begin to ask questions. That's not a bad thing.
1984. I awoke in my apartment one Sunday morning and thought, there has to be more to life than this. Church was also on my "to do", when I went. But a friend began talking to me about Jesus in a way like she knew him. I thought, well I will just read the Bible and see who Jesus is. You think, I would have known. I did go to church, and church is good but my life wasn't matching up. You see, I knew all about Him. But I didn't know Him. So, setting aside all my preconceived ideas and starting fresh, I began my search to know who this Jesus is. I read the Book of John out loud to myself and started seeing things I had not seen before. My heart was seeking.
After I finished studying that book, several days later, God answered. I cannot explain what happened except to say the Word of God is powerful and alive, and it brings life. A wave of His love swept over me right there in my apartment. I knew God had answered my prayer. So there in my apartment I got on my knees and gave my life to Him. My broken, messed up life I handed over. I knew that Jesus was real. This Jesus who hung on a cross for me.
I had a joy I cannot explain and an overwhelming sense of contentment and knowing that I was loved. He was enough. My life completely changed from a broken 20 something doing life on my own terms to knowing that I was known and seen by a God who knew me and all the bad things I had done, yet loved me anyway. All this because of the divine exchange that took place at the cross.
I met Dewey that same year and God was at work in him as well. Another story, another time. A story that only God could write.
This is the power of His Word. God is true to His word. He can not lie. Whether we understand it or not, His Word is Truth. We try so hard to explain away the things we do not understand or bring it down to our comprehension. The Holy Spirit, His Spirit, is the One to ask, the One to teach you. Just ask Him. The Holy Spirit of God is here to guide us, encourage us, and comfort us. He is the best teacher we can have because it is His own Word and only He can reveal it to our hearts. All you need is a seeking heart.
In my lowest moments, it was the Word of God that sustained me. I had a bout of depression that was unlike anything I had ever experienced. It was the Word of God that I clung to and that pulled me through. It was a weapon against the tormenter. It was a promise from a faithful God that I held on to. I would go to sleep saying over and over the scripture, He will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is stayed on Thee. I needed His perfect peace. Jesus has rescued me time and time again as I have held to His very great and precious promises. With a seeking heart, open your Bible, read His Word.
He has so much more for us, so very much more.