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From Rejection to Acceptance


When you get up in the morning and when you go to bed at night, think on the Lord's love.

I'm a recovering people pleaser. But I have learned that the sun can not rise and set on the approval of others. It is nice to have the praise of people, in fact it can be intoxicating. But then what happens on the day it is gone? You don't realize it, but you become dependent on it. I have struggled with rejection. I know it. I sense it a mile away. But I am changing. As I trust my Father more and more, it (rejection) loses its power over me. You can know that God loves you and still struggle with this. But its in the trusting that things can change. The knowing deep down in your heart. And setting your eyes on Him.

Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17

It is a good thing to do things for others, but if we do so in hopes of praise, it is really for ourselves. It is not a pure gift. But I have decided that I work for Him. I have His approval. When I receive my praise from my Heavenly Father, then I am free to turn and bless others without looking for anything in return. My reward is from Him. My approval from my Heavenly Father is not earned by me or I would be doubting all day long because I am not consistently good. My approval and right standing is a gift that He wanted me to have and Jesus died to make that happen, in spite of my sins. He alone loves us purely because He alone knows us inside out. There is no one higher who can favor you than God.

Why would a Holy God choose to love me? I don't know, He just does. Why do I love my kids? I just do, I can't help myself. But my love for my children pales in comparison to His love for me and for them.

You may say, well God loves everybody. Yes, but not everyone loves God. Set your heart to love and serve Him and you will "see" His favor in your life. You will begin to experience His love. Then it becomes a joy to share His love and serve others.

But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. I Peter 3:15

If you have struggled with "feeling" His love, tell Him. Say, Lord, I want to know you. Talk to Him. Read His Word, pour out your heart to Him. Just like you get to know people, you spend time with Him. He wants to be near you. With people we aren't quite sure. But with God you can know. As you read His Word and get to know Him, your faith will grow. That's a promise He offers. The devil, the enemy of our souls wants us to live in a state of rejection. Rejection, like death, just doesn't feel right. It is not God's plan.

But Jesus knows what rejection feels like.

He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

Isaiah 53:3

The feelings of rejection are painful. And yes, people do reject other people. But we are not alone. Rejection can lose its power over you when you look to the One who loves you faithfully. God's love for us is sure. Our place in His family, secure. In a world of rejection, Our Father knew we would need to hear these words, Accepted, Chosen, & Beloved.

And that is who we are.

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