But seek first his kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33
When things seem off in my life, it is usually a result of my seeking the wrong things, or maybe even good things, but not the best thing.
I have a picture, the one above, hanging in our bedroom of a boat tied to an unseen dock. For me it makes a statement. We drift. So I bought the picture to remind myself to be tied to the One who will hold me safe. And He does, even when I drift. He continually calls me back.
God's principles, His ways are not our ways. I drift away from Him when I pursue my provision apart from trusting in His. I drift away from Him when I pursue relationships with others before Him. I drift away when I pursue refreshment that is not from Him. When I do life on my own terms, I drift.
Whether money, relationships, or refreshment for the soul, God delights in blessing us and meeting our needs. But too often, when things are going pretty good, we move on and do things in our own timing and our own strength. We are left with less than God's best and in the end, depleted and unfulfilled.
Pursuing God and His kingdom means time with Him, listening to His Voice, and resting in His amazing love and care. It most often means praying, trusting, believing His Word, and waiting.
How do I seek God?
Spend time in His Word. Our hearts and minds drift...daily...hourly. Our heads and our hearts are easily turned. The Word of God transforms, renews, and breathes life into our weary souls. It is Truth. We have to renew our minds daily. The Bible is life giving. Just as your body needs continual nourishment, so does your soul-- your mind, your will, your emotions. We are made in the image of God and our Creator lovingly provided everything we need for life and godliness. The author Himself, The Holy Spirit will reveal God's Truth to us as we look to Him in His Word.
Prayer. Conversation with God. Texting is good, but a sit down, face to face conversation with a friend deepens and enriches the relationship. Yes, you can talk to God as you are going, and we should. But time with Him in prayer helps us to still our selves and listen as He speaks to our hearts. We need to be still.
The Family of God, the Body of Christ. So many are leaving the Church, so say the statistics. But I see a generation in search of authenticity. They just can't do Mamma's faith anymore. Mamma's faith was hers. We have to have our own. I see a generation that wants something real and genuine and many don't believe it exists, period. Children can see right through a façade. They believe what they experience daily. The body of Christ, believers in Jesus, must have a personal, one on one encounter with Jesus and a life that reflects His life lived out. Not by our own strength or will but by The Spirit of God. The world is looking for a Supernatural love. A God who is bigger than whatever they are up against and a love that goes above and beyond. Honestly, for me, it was when I encountered the love of Jesus who knew me, all of my messed up self and loved me right then and there...just as I was. On the cross, He took all of our sins and shame so that we would not have to carry that baggage around anymore. His Holy Spirit is a gift to us to help us and empower us and give us a new heart. When we know Jesus and walk with Him and love like Him, the world will take note.
First Things First. It is a daily choice to Seek First the Kingdom. It is a simpler life, a fulfillment of who we are called to be, His child. He pursues us with a passionate love, yet we must answer. When He knocks, we have to open. When He reaches out, we must reach back. Love gives the choice. The world gives second best. Our Heavenly Father knows what we need before we even ask. Is there anything better than His Presence? Where else can we go for life?
I am so thankful for the One who does not change, does not drift. Why would I settle for anything less.