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A New Beginning


I love a New Year. A New Year means a new beginning. A crisp white page on the calendar is awaiting the pen to note the plans, the hopes, the dreams for the days ahead. There is so much potential. And no matter what the past, the new day says, new chance, do overs welcome. Just like our Father God, who is not surprised by our mistakes, who even planned ahead for our mistakes to be erased, and who delights in giving us a new beginning over and over and over again. Because of Jesus we can begin again. Jesus took the punishment on himself that we deserved. When we accept this gift from Him and the forgiveness He offers, then God sees us as clean.

My mother recently passed on to her heavenly home. It sharply brings to light the brevity of life here on earth. We have but so many days on the calendar. Each year brings changes but the One constant throughout my days, is the love of my Heavenly Father and His ever Present watch over me.

January is full of potential and hope. The "somedays" seem to never come. We have to choose to make "someday" this day. A new year, a new month, a new day is the perfect time to do what God is putting on your heart to do.

And so I begin this blog. Writing has always been with me as long as I can remember. Having a blog, a forum if you will, to write is a dream come true. Sharing the love of God is my purpose. My daughter helped me to create this blog sight. I could not have done it without her. And my Mom. My mother was a writer. She filled many notebooks in her last years. Even as her memory was slipping, she would write in order to recall as much as she could. She cherished her stories and was thankful for her life. So I want to dedicate this blog to my mother who went before me, and to my daughter who comes after me. I am sandwiched between greatness. They are both, great of heart and kindness and strength and faith in God.

So in this New Year, purpose to love well those around you. Go ahead and forgive those who have let you down. We just don't have time for unforgiveness and bitterness, we just don't. This New Year is full of so much promise. Know this, your heavenly Father knows your hopes, your plans, your dreams. He loves you. You are His child. You can embrace it, believe it, rest in it, and do extraordinary things because of it. The God who does not change has not forgotten you and He has great plans for you!

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1 comentario

02 ene 2019

Hi Linda, I love your blog. Your words and inspiration are very encouraging. At the beginning of each new year, we have a 30 Days for Christ booklet written by our Deacons, Elders and Ministers. They have done this for several years now. This is to be read during rhe month of January. Our article for today was about "The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ",John 1:14 and Colossians1:16, new start - with God, a new beginning, to begin again with the Ultimate Beginning.

Thank you for your blog. How appropriate for a remembrance and dedication to your mother. Her sevice was so, "Special" and there is no doubt she was her to lead others to Christ.❤

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