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  • Linda


When I started saying "thank you God" for even the little things throughout my day, I noticed a shift in my outlook. And then I began to realize that all of the things written in the Bible that we are instructed to do are for my good. Meaning, it is good for me to give thanks because it benefits me. When I am thankful my heart is content. I see my blessings. I complain less. My days are better.

Here's hoping you see something - many things to be thankful for today.

Here's one.

It's Good Friday. Good for us.

Because this is the day we remember that God sent His Son to die for us, to take away our sins so that we could be free. We are free to have a relationship with our Heavenly Father with nothing blocking the way. No guilt, no shame, no sin. How could this be? Some cannot believe because it seems too good to be true. But when He went to the cross, He carried all my guilt there with Him and I stand forgiven, free. There are multitudes of blessings that come from that one act. A multi faceted gift that I will be unpacking for all my days. More to discover, more to know. At the top of the list is belonging to Him. Being chosen, accepted, completely loved, free! Forever His and a part of His family. I've been given a purpose and a destiny all because of Jesus.

Yeah, I'm thankful today because He found me at my lowest and loved me. On days when thankfulness is elusive and it's hard to see the good, I will remember the love, the very deep, deep love that found me. Its real and its personal. And when we doubt that love, it's because of a very keen awareness of our unworthiness. But our eyes are not on ourselves but on the One who chose to go to the cross on that Good Friday. All because of love.

I hope you receive this gift of life-giving love. There's a package of love from Jesus just for you. Just as you are, right now. I'm still opening mine. And my only response is "thank you God".

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1 Comment

Mar 30

Thank you, Linda, for sharing the words God gives you. The message is so good. Love so big, so pure, so free, it gives us life eternal, and our thanks can’t begin to be enough, yet how can we not live in an attitude of thanks for all He has done. When I think of the love the cross represents…

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