Guilt is a funny thing.
It sneaks up on you.
You see, I have this perpetual tendency to drift. Drift away from intimacy with God.
I can spend time in his Word and prayer, and yet I am drawn away to mundane living. It's where we are.
So not to excuse the waning zeal, but I had a revelation.
I am human.
And I need a gracious God to have me.
So I will keep going back and keep being amazed that He keeps taking me back.
You see, we need Him. I keep being drawn back to my Life source. And that's ok. In truth, it is actually Him who draws me back. Because God is a good good Father.
There will be a Day, that Day when the struggle is over. And there will be no separation, no drifting, no guilt, no battle. But for now, I will keep going back.
And I don't have to worry now because Jesus fills all the gaps of my inconsistencies. Jesus is my Defender, my Rescue. I am sealed with His Holy Spirit. My name is written in heaven.
Not because of my good deeds, no, no, no. But because of Jesus, my Savior. So I gladly, humbly, accept this gift that I did not earn, but so desperately need.
His mercies are new every morning. Great His is Faithfulness. And this human is so glad.