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  • Linda

Fresh Start

I love Christmas, I do. But I really love the New Year. After the family gatherings and festivities, I am eager to put the tree and decorations away and get started cleaning the house. I just love the feeling of a clean, fresh start and a clean home is a part of that.

How your environment looks and feels really does affect your mood. A cluttered, dirty, dusty house seems to seep over into my emotions. But a simple, neat, clean room is refreshing to the soul.

Recently I purposed to clean one room a day. Since I work outside the home, I am up out early often leaving the house a bit messy. Simplifying my home by decluttering and having less stuff enables me to clean that one room in the afternoon and usually complete the task. It feels good and I feel accomplished. It makes a difference in my mood and that changes how I treat those around me.

Remember to be kind and gracious in your quest to have a clean and tidy home. Some of us are messier than others. A messy home is still better than an angry home. With prayer and patience your home can become a peaceful haven, at least for your part.

To help get the job done, try setting a timer. This will let you know the cleaning will end and it will help keep you focused to get the job done. Have a note pad handy to jot down things you need, such as a light bulb for a lamp, trash bags, or cleaning supplies or even a new hand towel for the bath. You can shop for these on your next shopping trip. Pray in the room you are cleaning. Pray for the people who will be using that room. Invite God's Presence there. When finished, rest and relax with a cup of tea and a cookie or a piece of fruit.

If you have small children, you may have to clean as they nap. You may want to incorporate them into your work by giving them easy tasks. I remember watching my Mamma clean house. Trust me, they are learning by watching you.

The New Year is full of opportunity. Nurturing your home and nurturing your soul go hand in hand. If you ever feel overwhelmed, remember God wants to help you. Invite Him into your home and heart and He will make a way for you, His child. Have a blessed New Year knowing this...God loves you.

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1 Comment

Jan 01, 2019

Thanks, Linda! All good stuff. And, your comment about a messy environment can creep into your emotions - well, let's just say, "so true!"

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